What is off grid

Someone asked me recently what off grid means. If you know already feel free to skip this post. Or feel free to read it. I'm sure the person who asked me is not the only person who doesn't know what it means. I have 3000 watts of solar power. This might sound like a lot of power, but it's really not. I don't run most of the things that are found in a house. I have to shut off things I'm not using. The only thing that is always on is my small fridge. I limit my TV time and don't have it on for noise. I listen to music on my phone, most of the time. I have to take care of my own trash disposal. I have to take care of my own bathroom disposal. That's a gross job, and my least favorite. I can't get an ambulance to come out here, because of the roads. When it rains, I wait to leave my house until it dries up a bit. I live on an unmaintained dirt road that turns into quicksand when it gets wet. People get stuck out here quite often. I don't yet have running water, but I have multiple containers for storage. Since it used to be ocean floor out here, digging a well is expensive and often ends with an unlimited supply of salt water. Which is not beneficial to the plants and animals. Therefore I haul water from town, about 15 miles away. I don't drink the water from town, so I also pick up drinking water. The dogs and plants don't mind the water from town. There are many perks to living off grid, but it is work. I have to fill propane for heat and cooking. I am fortunate enough to have a gentleman who delivers my wood for my wood burning stove, but I have to chop much of it myself as he brings me a lot of larger pieces. The only connection I have to the world is my cell phone. Some don't consider it being off grid if you have a cell phone, but I do. I don't have to pay utilities, but everything falls on me to take care of. I don't have an HOA. I pay property taxes for my little piece of heaven. No one cares if my dogs bark all night. No one cares if my yard is full of trash. I believe this is how we were supposed to live. Living off grid has been a huge learning experience, but it has built my self-reliance. I have extra food on hand. I have to keep pests out of everything, especially mice and rats. Out here it's about survival. I don't have extra money for makeup or shoes or fancy clothes. I spend my money on essentials. I gather seeds for future crops. I have a compost pile. I recycle and reuse as much as possible. I don't waste much and I am more conscious of my usage. I have my groceries delivered to the post office mostly. I don't like to people as much as I used. I like to be home more than I ever have. I don't have a gym membership, because my chores keep me in shape. Hopefully this answered the burning question of what is off grid. Love from the presert, Ceeeej 


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