Charcot Marie Tooth CMT

pictured is my leg brace, known as an AFO, to support my ankles and legs

In 2012, I broke 3 bones in my foot, 3 toes, and ruptured my Achilles. I had twisted my foot walking and all of me came down on my foot. I got to ride in an ambulance for the first time ever. My foot was numb and I turned down the offers of pain medication. Shortly after, I had my foot repaired. The toes they couldn't fix. And we were unaware of the ruptured Achilles. I didn't walk for 5 months, even after months of physical therapy. I was unable to put my right foot down. Due to my lack of judgment I rushed to return to work. I had begun to experience burning in my foot early after breaking it. The doctor had no idea what was going on. He tested me for diabetes. I healed up the best I could, working full time and being a mom and wife/caretaker. In 2013, I had my Achilles repaired. Shortly after, I was diagnosed with Charcot Marie Tooth, CMT. This was the cause of the burning in my foot. I was born with this genetic mutation, usually passed by fathers to their daughters. It affects more women than men. Upon research I realized I'd always had some symptoms, but when I broke my foot everything escalated. In myself it's caused memory issues, muscle atrophy, peripheral neuropathy, intense pain, lack of coordination, sudden spastic muscle responses (like flinging something suddenly), blurred vision, slurred speech,  and weakness in my hands, feet, legs, arms. I have a very high arch on both feet, which can be a sign. I have difficulty keeping on weight, which explains why I am smallish. Stress makes it worse. Exercise and meditation help. As does acupuncture. I do not take pain medication. As much as I hate having CMT, its taught me gratitude and patience. I can no longer move a mountain in a day, nor do I try to. I drop things. I fall almost daily. I give myself grace in those times. That's another indication of CMT, being clumsy. I have been teased for how clumsy I am, turned out it's a medical condition. Be kind because you never know where someone is, Ceeeej 


  1. I feel ya girl! You’re well aware of my car accident and we’ve talked about it. I have a brace that looks Rey much like yours. I have a condition that’s called “foot drop” where my foot doesn’t pull up when I take a step, so trip on my toes. The brace doesn’t let my foot drop now.

    1. Thank you for your comment! I'm just working on getting as strong as possible. I've definitely tripped over my own toes. I hate the braces, but they are helping.


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