Be a lady

For 49 years I have been a female human. I was just born this way. I'm not responsible for it. In that time I have been told how I am supposed to be. I have been told what I can and can't do. I have repeatedly been told to be a lady. Something I have never aimed to be. I've felt like I was bad at being a girl. I'm a good cook, but I hate to cook. I prefer baking to cooking. Maybe because it reminds me of my grandma. And it doesn't require constant attention. I am opinionated and intelligent and have a big voice. I'm no shrinking violet. Nor a wallflower. Nor a damsel in distress. I'm not demure. I can do the hair, the makeup, and the beautiful clothes, but I'm still me under all of that. I'm mighty inside of this smallish body. I used to feel like it was a cruel joke. People based their opinions on the outside of me, as many people do. I have been body shamed for being thin. Which has turned out to be a medical condition, strangely enough. I  have been disrespected for being a woman. I do love babies and puppies and flowers! I hate cleaning, laundry, dishes! I have never considered myself less than any one, including men. Even though, I have been reminded often that I should. I might not be as physically strong as most, however I am emotionally unstoppable. I am loud. I swear like a sailor. I'm too smart for my own good, probably. I hid my intelligence for a long time, because it wasn't cute for a girl who was smart. I tried to be like the rest of the girls. In 1996, I met a man who was not threatened by my intelligence, my looks, my mouth, or my muchness. He encouraged me to be myself. Looking back at my life, it was required of me to be different, or else I wouldn't have survived. I wouldn't have been able to do all of the horrible bullshit I've had to do. And I wouldn't have been blessed with the amazing life I have. Today I am most grateful to be a badass! Ladies and gentlemen, don't be afraid to be your badass selves! Ceeeej 


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