Meet my roommates
Meet the dogs. The oldest is Kiwi, she is a 9 year old Australian Shepherd and Blue Heeler. I've had her since she was 6 weeks old. She is my protector and best dog friend. We have been through a lot together and even though her arthritis is getting worse she loves this life. Luna Jade is a 3 year old black lab pit bull mix. She is an 80 pound puppy who loves cuddling and adventures. She loves to go anywhere. She is a big galoot with a big heart. She is unquestionably the alpha, but her reign is being challenged. She was born on the first day of spring and she is a moon baby. I got her when she was only 2 or 3 weeks old. Roxy is 2 years old and I don't know what kind of dog she is but she is a beautiful multi-colored brown dog. She is a smaller dog, but she doesn't know that. She is just as badass as the big dogs. I call her my supermodel dog, because she is so lovely. She's travel size, but doesn't like to travel. She prefers to live outside and has endured every type of weather. She refuses to come inside, no matter how much I've tried. I've had her since she was 6 weeks old. Her sister, Zoey Bear is a little over a year old. Same mom, different dad. She has a baby bear face and sweet eyes. She was born here. She is a smaller black dog. She gets picked on by the other dogs, especially Luna, but she doesn't seem to mind. She rolls over on her belly. She loves to give kisses and get some belly scritches. Lucky girl showed up about a year ago. She was about 3 months old then. She was skinny, her collar was choking her, and it looked like she had been cut up on her belly and legs. She is my wild child. I think she is part coyote and German Shepherd. She looks like a giant coyote. She smiles when she is being naughty. She loves to sleep in the beanbag, even though dogs are not allowed on the furniture. She is very lucky indeed that she found us, and we are lucky to have her. And, finally, we come to the boys, Dude and Little Brother. Roxy is their mom and their dad is a bloodhound. They look just like their mom, only bigger. They were born here on April Fool's last year. They both fit in my hands. Dude is the larger of the two and he's not the smartest but he is a good dog. He has begun trying for the alpha position in the pack. I think he has some growing to do. Little Brother is the sweetest guy. He has a kind heart and loves to be inside. He fights with his brother, but he is fine with being in the middle of the pack. I feed the younger dogs inside, because Luna has decided that there is a food shortage at our house and won't let anyone else eat. I don't know what I'd do without them. I love all 7 of them and they make me laugh! They are always happy to see me. We also have 2 cats, Ying and Yang. They are brothers. Both black and white. Yang is big, fuzzy and lovable, like his dad. Ying is smaller and has shorter fur. He seems to only tolerate me, mostly. He is warming up to me and likes to hold my hand when we sleep. They both have their mom's resting b!@$h face. They are my cat's sons. I had rescued him and his brother and sisters after someone dumped them on the side of the road. They were only a couple weeks old. He, unfortunately, disappeared shortly after they were born. These are my roomies. I like them better than most people. Ceeeej
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