Catfishing definition: the process of luring someone into a romantic relationship by means of a fictional online persona. Usually to get money from them. The targeted are usually female, especially those without a partner, like a widow.
Recently I was messaged by a very attractive man on Instagram. So I decided to message him back. Maybe it was possible to love again. He told me beautiful things and I wanted to believe them. I had some suspicions but kept disregarding them, thinking I was just being cynical. He couldn't produce a photo on command, selfie camera broken. He couldn't FaceTime because he couldn't get into his icloud. He didn't message like someone born and raised in the US. The verbiage was off. I kept my eyes open but I wanted him to be real. Then it happened. He asked me to get him a $200 apple gift card. I told him to send me the money and I would. He didn't have it because of some lie. He did everything through Google. I blocked all the accounts that the person used to contact me and called them out for their behavior. Who knows how many people have been gotten taken advantage of by this tactic. I've heard of people losing everything. He talked about marriage and spending our lives together. He was going to treat me like a queen and show me the world. It all sounded so good. If it's too good to be true, it probably is. Please be careful out there. I'm so glad I didn't fall for it and I wouldn't want any of you to. The best defense is self worth. Because those people who are catfishing are looking for someone with low self esteem. Someone who is lonely and desperately seeking to be loved. I'm unscathed, but all the wiser. I will now go back to not answering messages from people I don't know, no matter how cute they are. Stay safe out there. Sincerely, Ceeeej
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