
I hope June finds you all well. Recently I have had many changes. One of the most important changes I am making is a therapy type called EMDR, Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing. Since I have experienced multiple traumas in my life, I have been in therapy for several years. I have gone through a variety of therapy types. I don't think everyone benefits from therapy, but I have. I decided after losing Joe that I could no longer do it alone. For 4 decades, I had been a high functioning person with PTSD. I had no idea that I had PTSD. I thought people had to go to war to have PTSD, but my life has been horrible at times. Those experiences make me who I am, however I didn't want to be pulled around my life anymore by the traumas. I have found meditation excellent, especially for myself as I am a breath holder. EFT, Emotion-focused therapy, also known as tapping, is very effective, and your brain does all the work. Neurofeedback is effortless and starts repairing the connections damaged by trauma almost immediately. It has helped me with my nightmares. As I type this, I had EMDR on Monday and it is now Wednesday. Already things have shifted for me. I started with something that had affected my life, but I felt was a smaller trauma. If there is such a thing. Oddly enough, there's a whole bunch of other things connected to the situation. It was a very important trauma, because I was a child and everything changed after it happened. I had a lot of guilt and shame around the trauma. Unrealistically I felt responsible, even though there wasn't anything I could have done to prevent it from happening. Already I'm noticing that my brain is throwing stuff away that no longer serves me. All of the lies I've told myself and let others tell me. All of the misplaced responsibility I placed on myself. Mental health is a journey, just like life itself. All of our futures' deserve mental and physical health. Good health, Ceeeej 


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