The wedding ring

Before Joe passed away, he lost his wedding ring, when we moved into the house. We'd always had matching rings, so I put mine away and bought new ones. They were a thick metal, steel maybe. They were inexpensive and sturdier than our gold rings. I began working in production. I lost my ring twice at work. Both times it was found, fortunately. It hurt my fingers as my peripheral neuropathy from my CMT (which will be covered later) was getting worse. I began to leave my ring in the car when I was at work and I'd put it back on when I got home. Everyone knew I had been married for many years. Sometimes I wouldn't put my ring back on, because it hurt. Joe began to suspect something. I'm sure my behavior was completely suspect, by this time, but I was distracting with work and beer and cannabis, not another man. I am not proud of my behavior, but my life as I knew it was rapidly approaching the end. I was trying to hold it all together as it was crashing down around me. I would wear my ring when I was with Joe. I didn't want him to think horrible things about me. One day, around when he died, I found my old wedding ring and put it on. I felt better just putting it on and it didn't hurt my finger as much. I've worn it for most of my 5 years of being a widow. I change the hand it's on, depending on the temperature, but I wear it. When I take it off, I feel strange. Not sure how to explain it, but it's uncomfortable. Will I take it off, someday, maybe. After 6 years, it's a reminder of the wonderful and horrible years I spent with him. The man who was my cheerleader, my best friend, my whole life for 21 years, almost. The man who loved me where I was. He who lifted me above anything I could have attained on my own. I wish I could have been better for him, but I was my best self I could be. Ceeeej 


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