New Vehicle

The picture Joe took of me in 2017 when he helped me buy a car

In 2017, just a couple months before Joe died, he cosigned a beautiful vehicle for me. Neither of us had great credit, but he could always help me get a car. Even though he had no income except for social security. Even if he had no job and I had 2 or more. Anyway, he always wanted everything for us. He was rapidly declining and legally his signature wouldn't have held up in court. I'm not completely sure he knew what he was doing, other than trying to take care of his family. His dementia had taken him mostly away, but he knew that he loved me and our son, and maybe he knew that this would be the last thing he could do for us. Since Christmas things had been unraveling quickly. I think he knew that he had to leave, but he wasn't ready, and he knew that we weren't going to be alright. Joe wanted to belong somewhere and now he did and he wasn't allowed to stay. We were approved for a newish car in February and he was gone in March. Today I purchased my second new vehicle this year. Unfortunately the first one I bought in February was not for me and my life. So I bought a truck. The second truck I've had in my life and I bought them 28 years apart and they are the same make and model. As I drove home he crossed my mind, as he usually does. I can hear him next to me. Chatting about whatever. Excited about the new ride and all the bells and whistles. Playing with the controls. He was like a giant child. He got so ecstatic about stuff. I was too emo for that. I was used to holding myself together. Unfortunately I wasn't able to experience joy like that for a long time. I would watch him with our son and I was never quite sure who the kid was. I was jealous of Joe's ability to be young inside. I love my new truck and it's much better for the presert life, but I think of him as I drive around and wish he was here to be my copilot. Sincerely, Ceeeej 


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