Adaptation-The Art of Being High Functioning

Recently it was brought to my attention that I am High Functioning. What does that mean exactly? It means that in spite of multiple traumas that caused complex PTSD, in spite of abusive relationships, in spite of watching my parents, and other adults, make bad choices, in spite of substance abuse, I have been successful in appearing "normal". I have adapted to survive in the world. I navigated around my physical and emotional difficulties for decades. 
Because of my physical limitations, I've altered the way I do everything, and the jobs I would apply for, when I was still working. I couldn't take physically taxing jobs and I couldn't be away from home. I do things differently living off grid, because everything is heavy and clumsy. The thought of getting hurt out here is a bit daunting. The ambulance won't drive to my house. 
I also do this with my mental health. I pretended for most of my life that I was completely fine. I was told that I have PTSD, in a rather cold and harsh way. Of course, I didn't believe it, but I now accept it. I've been working towards healing both, especially the emotional side. Just as with my physical health, neither is reason for embarrassment or shame. I did nothing to cause either. I am still trying to show myself some patience and grace with who I am, and my abilities, or lack thereof. May you and I accept ourselves just as we are, Ceeeej 


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