
Becoming a mom is the best decision I've ever made. Mind you, I didn't want to have a kid. I did, someday, but not at that time. Joe and I were struggling, financially and in our relationship. I had unwittingly begun to use drugs with a friend at work, and I was having fun. Probably too much fun. Joe was having issues keeping a job and I was over it. I didn't realize that he was going to probably save my life. I went off the pill and we began "trying " to get pregnant. That's a funny term. Anyway, I was pregnant in about 2 months of our trying. I hated being pregnant and I was a complete lunatic for a while. The lunacy was probably caused by his testosterone. I had morning sickness for 6 months. I was losing weight, but he was growing. I finally gained all the weight after that, but I could only eat crappy, greasy food. Fruits and vegetables were pretty much off the menu. We had a very challenging labor. 32 hours in total, and an emergency c-section. When our son was born, it was all worth it. The first time I held him I fell in love. I couldn't believe that I had created him. I'm most grateful to be his mom. He is my most favorite human! I didn't think I could love as big as I do my boy. He's the best of both of us, and definitely his own person. Having him saved my life and probably saved my relationship with his father. His existence changed our lives drastically. We tried to become adults. Joe wanted to give us the world, and he tried so hard to do that. That tiny person turned us into people. We altered our lives and I wouldn't be who I am without him. And Joe wouldn't have been who he was without our son. Today, and every single day, I am so fortunate and blessed to be a mom. Picture is my boy at 17. Ceeeej 


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