Men and Women

A few days ago, a friend of mine said that inside of the house is a woman's domain and the outside is a man's. And then, another friend said that there's man jobs and woman jobs at their house. This got me thinking. When Joe was alive there wasn't things he did and things I did, exclusively. He took care of our son. He did laundry. He cooked. He cleaned. We were a team, a partnership. Of course, strength wise, there's things I just can't do. However, living in the presert, there are a lot of things I have to do. I don't get to say I won't do it because it's a man's job. I've been told that I'm supposed to be barefoot and pregnant, raising babies and taking care of my husband. Fortunately for my family, I was more than willing to be the breadwinner, when Joe became unable to work. I worked hard to make sure my family had food, shelter, clothing, video games, etc. I am a decent cook, but Joe loved to cook and he was exceptional at it. Every day he was able to, he would cook for us. I miss that. My point is don't be ignorant and sexist. Women can do many of the same things as men, and vice versa. Both parents need to participate in raising children, cooking, cleaning, laundry, etc in the household. There is no such thing as man's work and woman's work in a home. I'm kind of shocked that people still think that we are separate and women are less somehow. I was really hoping that thought process would be dead by now. It's outdated. 

I consider myself a feminist however I don't think that means that women are superior to men. We are all valuable and we all have skills to bring to the table. I want to see women and men treated with respect and dignity. I have no desire to be objectified, sexualized, harassed, or treated like I'm less. Women are mighty, and all we want is the same opportunities and ability to succeed as men. I'm so thankful to be a woman, but it has constantly been challenging. I've had to work twice as hard my entire life, like many of us. Women are different from men, and we should embrace our differences and see the value in each other. Ceeeej 


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