
Showing posts from November, 2022

Charcot Marie Tooth CMT

pictured is my leg brace, known as an AFO, to support my ankles and legs In 2012, I broke 3 bones in my foot, 3 toes, and ruptured my Achilles. I had twisted my foot walking and all of me came down on my foot. I got to ride in an ambulance for the first time ever. My foot was numb and I turned down the offers of pain medication. Shortly after, I had my foot repaired. The toes they couldn't fix. And we were unaware of the ruptured Achilles. I didn't walk for 5 months, even after months of physical therapy. I was unable to put my right foot down. Due to my lack of judgment I rushed to return to work. I had begun to experience burning in my foot early after breaking it. The doctor had no idea what was going on. He tested me for diabetes. I healed up the best I could, working full time and being a mom and wife/caretaker. In 2013, I had my Achilles repaired. Shortly after, I was diagnosed with Charcot Marie Tooth, CMT. This was the cause of the burning in my foot. I was


With the holidays approaching, and recent changes I've decided to make to this holiday season, I felt that I should share it with all of you. First, I will share with you that I have always hated the holidays. Growing up there was tension and fighting usually, and everyone trying to pretend that our house was filled with love. Of course, unfortunately, that wasn't the reality. My favorite childhood memories took place at my grandparents house, however that usually meant that I had to get on an airplane. Also, not one of my favorites. I met Joe and he loved the holidays, and he would try to guess what his presents were, even before our son was born. He would cook elaborate meals and I would bake while Christmas music or movies played in the living room. We would generally spend more money than we should have, and everyone in the house would feel spoiled. Joe loved making the holidays as special as possible, and I would do my best to be happy. Which was nearly impossible, but I d

Roxy dog

Roxy, in the middle, with her sons Roxy is my third eldest dog. She was born at my buddy's house, who also lives off grid. She shares a mom with Zoey,  but they look nothing like each other. She was born a runt, but no one informed her of that. She ran the litter. She is my second smallest dog, but she plays with the big dogs like she's one of them. Roxy is one of the strangest dogs I've ever owned. She slept in the bus until about 4 months old and she has been an outside dog ever since. Self-appointed guard dog weighing in at around 55 pounds. I call her my supermodel dog. She is slender and tall. Various shades of brown with white spotted feet and a white belly. It took her a while to let me pet her and now she greets me at the door. She is a travel size animal, but she doesn't want to go anywhere. Her eyes are yellow and her tail spins like a propeller when she wags it. She has endured every type of weather out here. She is an intelligent dog, but she is