
Showing posts from August, 2022

Kiwi the dog

The eldest of my pack is Kiwi. She is my ride or die. She's 9 years old. I've been hers and her mine since she was 6 weeks old. She bit my nose the day I got her. I knew that she was going to be my dog. She chose me. The people who gave her to me called her sassy, which is still appropriate to this day. She is my first sassy dog. The one who started it all. Probably the reason why my dogs are all a bit sassy. Upon coming into our lives, she decided that she was to be our guardian. She is named Kiwi because she has fur the color of a kiwi fruit and she had green eyes. She is an Australian Shepherd and Blue Heeler. She is one of the smartest dogs I've ever met. She smiles. She is very protective and has endured many difficult times. Living with Joe and watching him go was hard for her. She became hypervigilant over me and my son. For many years, she was afraid. She didn't sleep soundly for years. Today she is the grand dame. Grandma Kiwi. She is surrounded by

Favorite presert game

Since it is monsoon season here in the presert, I had a full blown storm last night. Complete with wind, rain, thunder and lightning. That being said, today I play my favorite game, pick up my belongings that are now spread all over the place. The wind likes to play too, so she will fling light objects out of my grasp or throw sand in my eyes. She is a mischievous resident of the presert. I count this as my exercise for the day. I've been out here for quite some time, so I don't have to chase down as many things as I did in the beginning of my adventure here. I still have to play. Things that haven't moved in months are suddenly rolled across the ground or thrust into the air only to land somewhere in the distance. This used to take me an hour or two. A couple miles of walking. Today I got in about 20 minutes and not much walking. I guess it's a good time to pull my weeds, maybe. And with 7 dogs, I definitely see sweeping in my near future. I'm happy to play this ga